Blog Author: Marc D MalamudP2P Invite Card


We hope you received our first email telling you about our recently-formed 501(c)(3) Prisons to Partnerships organization and our national virtual conference.

If you have already registered, thank you! If you haven't, let me tell you more about it. 

Our National conference will be on Zoom, on Saturday, November 23rd.  It will be from 9am-5pm PST with a 30-minute meal break, plus two working breakout sessions after each segment.

The purpose of the conference is:

      • To explore what life is like for people and their families experiencing incarceration and after release.
      • To highlight programs and initiatives that successfully prepare and support incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people in their rehabilitation and safe reintegration into society.
      • To offer new opportunities for partnerships by promoting meaningful dialogue and collaboration.
      • To inspire people to support programs that reduce recidivism, promote social justice, and transform lives during and after incarceration.

Here’s how the segments will be divided:

      1. What's it like to be in prison, ready and willing to address the issues that resulted in incarceration while working towards release? What issues typically need to be addressed to appear before the parole board and be successful in getting a release date? What resources and organizations are helping with the healing and re-orientation/rehabilitation needed to be approved for parole and successful in life?
      2. What’s it like to walk out the gates and be on parole? What are the challenges of reentry, and what type of support is needed and available? What’s working? What’s it like for the families? Relationship between parole officer and parolee. Successfully transitioning off of parole. 
      3. The organizations presented today are doing great work within the current system; but what about the system itself? What work is being done to address underlying systemic issues? What else is possible? What support is needed? 

We do hope you will join us for the breakout groups after each segment, where you’ll be able to interact with other like-minded people and have more personal contact with the speakers. Everyone is invited to come and go as they please. And we would love for you to stay for the entire day! 

Registration is free. We don't want a registration fee to stand in the way of anyone connecting with this valuable information and networking opportunities (and P2P gratefully welcomes donations of any amount to offset our conference costs).

Please register in order to receive the conference Zoom link.

If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CFO signature graphic

Marc D. Malamud

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.